BSA Publications
In alignment with the Society’s Equity Action Plan, the Publications Committee is working on revitalizing and restructuring the Society’s monograph publication program. The BSA has taken immense pride in the publishing program since its inception in 1919, but the program has slowed in the 21st century due in part to changes in the business of scholarly publishing. It is time to adjust our publishing model and find new ways to support the Society’s mission of fostering the study of books and other textual artifacts through publications additional to PBSA.
The Committee, chaired by Dr. Derrick R. Spires, is investigating a number of options and opportunities modeled on those used by peer ACLS organizations and our peer bibliocentric institutions. In addition to exploring potential partnerships with university presses, the Committee is also designing a system by which monograph proposals may be submitted for consideration.
In light of this important initiative, the Committee respectfully requests anyone considering submitting a monograph proposal to delay their submission until such time as a call for proposals is made. Temporarily suspending consideration of proposals will allow the Committee, made up entirely of volunteers, to focus on the task at hand.
The Committee will notify members and subscribers to the Society’s newsletter when proposals are once again being accepted. Please check the website or subscribe to the newsletter for further information.
Publications of the Society

Lydia Bailey: A Checklist of Her Imprints
University Park, Pa.: Pennsylvania State University Press for the Bibliographical Society of America, in association with the Houghton Library, Harvard University, and the Library Company of Philadelphia, 2013. Cloth. xii, 310 pp. [available through Penn State University Press] BSA members (code BSA) receive a 20% discount.]

A Bibliographical Description of Books and Pamphlets of American Verse Printed from 1610 Through 1820
Edited by David R. Whitesell. University Park, Pa.: Pennsylvania State University Press for the Bibliographical Society of America, 2012. Cloth. xx, 809 pp. [available through Penn State University Press] BSA members (code BSA) receive a 20% discount.

The First White House Library: A History and Annotated Catalogue
University Park, Pa.: Pennsylvania State University Press for the Bibliographical Society of America and the National First Ladies’ Library, 2010. Cloth, xvi, 398 pp. [available through Penn State University Press] BSA members (code BSA) and others using this form receive a 20% discount.

The British Book Trade 1475–1890: A Bibliography
New Castle, DE: Oak Knoll Press; New York : Bibliographical Society of America; London: British Library and Bibliographical Society, 2009. Cloth. [available through Oak Knoll Press] BSA members receive a 10% discount.

Bookcloth in England and America , 1823–50
New Castle , Del.: Oak Knoll Press; London : British Library; New York : Bibliographical Society of America, 2008. Paper, x, 92 pp. [available through Oak Knoll Press] BSA members receive a 10% discount.

The Library of Leander van Ess and the Earliest American Collections of Reformation Pamphlets
Bibliographical Society of America Occasional Publications, 1. New York : Bibliographical Society of America, 2007. Paper, x, 201 pp. [available through Oak Knoll Press] BSA members receive a 10% discount.

Be Merry and Wise: Origins of Children’s Book Publishing in England 1650–1850
New York : Pierpont Morgan Library and Bibliographical Society of America ; London : British Library; New Castle , Del. : Oak Knoll Press, 2006. Cloth, xiv, 318 pp. [available through Oak Knoll Press] BSA members receive a 10% discount.

The Dissemination of “The Wealth of Nations” in French and in France, 1776–1843
New York : Bibliographical Society of America, 2002. Cloth, lxiii, 255 pp. [available through Oak Knoll Press] BSA members receive a 10% discount.

A Register of Artists, Engravers, Booksellers, Bookbinders, Printers & Publishers in New York City, 1821–42
New York : Bibliographical Society of America, 1993. Cloth, 299 pp. [available through Oak Knoll Press] BSA members receive a 10% discount.

An Early London Printing House at Work: Studies in the Bowyer Ledgers, with a Supplement to the Bowyer Ornament Stock (1973), an Appendix on the Bowyer-Emonson Partnership, and “Bowyer’s Paper Stock Ledger” by Herbert Davis
New York : Bibliographical Society of America, 1993. Cloth, x, 256 pp. [available through Oak Knoll Press] BSA members receive a 10% discount.

The Bowyer Ledgers: The Printing Accounts of William Bowyer Father and Son Reproduced on Microfiche, with a Checklist of Bowyer Printing 1699–1777, a Commentary, Indexes, and Appendixes
London : Bibliographical Society; New York : Bibliographical Society of America, 1991. Cloth, lxxv, 616 pp. + 70 Microfiches. [available through Oak Knoll Press] BSA members receive a 10% discount.

Flemish and Related Panel-Stamped Bindings: Evidence and Principles
New York : Bibliographical Society of America, 1990. Cloth, xviii, 252 pp. [available through Oak Knoll Press] BSA members receive a 10% discount.

A Directory of London Stationers and Book Artisans 1300–1500
New York : Bibliographical Society of America, 1990. Cloth, 254 pp. [available through Oak Knoll Press] BSA members receive a 10% discount.

Tauchnitz International Editions in English 1841–1955: A Bibliographical History
New York : Bibliographical Society of America, 1988. Reprint, New Castle , Del. : Oak Knoll Press; London : British Library, 2003. Cloth, xxiv, 1078 pp. [available through Oak Knoll Press] BSA members receive a 10% discount.

Early American Music Engraving and Printing: A History of Music Publishing in America from 1787 to 1825 with Commentary on Earlier and Later Practices
Urbana, Ill. : University of Illinois Press in cooperation with the Bibliographical Society of America, 1980. Cloth, xix, 321 pp. [out of print]

The American Controversy: A Bibliographical Study of the British Pamphlets about the American Disputes, 1764–1783
2 vols. Providence, R.I. : Brown University Press; New York : Bibliographical Society of America, 1980. Cloth, xxx, 1102 pp. [out of print]

The Bibliographical Society of America , 1904–79: A Retrospective Collection
Charlottesville, Va. : University Press of Virginia for the Bibliographical Society of America, 1980. Cloth, viii, 557 pp. [available through Oak Knoll Press] BSA members receive a 10% discount.

A Chesterfield Bibliography to 1800
2nd ed. Charlottesville Va. : University Press of Virginia for the Bibliographical Society of America, 1979. Cloth, vi, 255 pp. [available through Oak Knoll Press] BSA members receive a 10% discount.

A Checklist of New London , Connecticut , Imprints, 1709–1800
Charlottesville, Va. : University Press of Virginia for the Bibliographical Society of America , 1978. Cloth, xliii, 492 pp. [available through Oak Knoll Press] BSA members receive a 10% discount.

Check-list of Works of British Authors Printed Abroad, in Languages other than English, to 1641
New York : Bibliographical Society of America, 1975. Cloth, xx, 168 pp. [available through Oak Knoll Press] BSA members receive a 10% discount.

Surreptitious Printing in England, 1550–1640
New York : Bibliographical Society of America, 1973. Cloth, ix, 203 pp. [available through Oak Knoll Press] BSA members receive a 10% discount.

The Beginning of the World of Books, 1450 to 1470: A Chronological Survey of the Texts Chosen for Printing during the First Twenty Years of the Printing Art, with a Synopsis of the Gutenberg Documents
New York : Bibliographical Society of America, 1972. Cloth, xviii, 112 pp. [available through Oak Knoll Press] BSA members receive a 10% discount.

Incunabula in American Libraries: A Supplement to the Third Census of Fifteenth-Century Books Recorded in North American Collections (1964)
New York : Bibliographical Society of America, 1972. Cloth, xii, 104 pp. [available]

A Bibliography of John Brown
New York : Bibliographical Society of America, 1971. Cloth, xxxii, 210 pp. [available through Oak Knoll Press] BSA members receive a 10% discount.

The Awakening Interest in Science during the First Century of Printing 1450–1550: An Annotated Checklist of First Editions Viewed from the Angle of their Subject Content: Astronomy, Mathematics, Medicine, Natural Science, Physics, Technology
New York : Bibliographical Society of America, 1970. Cloth, xxix, 399 pp. [out of print]

Supplement to Charles Evans’ American Bibliography
Charlottesville, Va. : University Press of Virginia for the Bibliographical Society of America and the Bibliographical Society of the University of Virginia, 1970. Cloth, xix, 636 pp. [available through Oak Knoll Press] BSA members receive a 10% discount.

Incunabula in American Libraries: A Third Census of Fifteenth-Century Books Recorded in North American Collections
New York : Bibliographical Society of America , 1964. Reprint, New York : Kraus, 1972. Cloth, lxiii, 798 pp. [available through Oak Knoll Press] BSA members receive a 10% discount.

Supplement to the Census of Medieval and Renaissance Manuscripts in the United States and Canada
New York : Bibliographical Society of America, 1962. Cloth, xvii, 626 pp. [out of print; available online through subscription to ACLS Humanities E-Book] BSA members eligible for individual subscription.

Bibliography of American Literature
9 Vols. New Haven : Yale University Press, 1955–91. Reprint, New Castle, Del. : Oak Knoll Press and Bibliographical Society of America, 2003. Cloth. [available through Oak Knoll Press] BSA members receive a 10% discount.

A Bibliography of Oliver Wendell Holmes
Ed. Eleanor M. Tilton for the Bibliographical Society of America . New York : New York University Press, 1953. Reprint, New York : Russell and Russell, 1971. Cloth, xiii, 707 pp. [out of print]

Oklahoma Imprints, 1835–1890
New York : R.R. Bowker for the Bibliographical Society of America, 1951. Cloth, xvii, 267 pp. [out of print]

The Cost Books of Ticknor and Fields and their Predecessors, 1832–1858
Bibliographical Society of America Monograph Series, 2. New York : Bibliographical Society of America, 1949. Cloth, l, 508 pp. [out of print; available online through subscription to ACLS Humanities E-Book] BSA members eligible for individual subscription.

Rhode Island Imprints, 1727–1800
New York : R.R. Bowker for the Bibliographical Society of America, 1949. Cloth, xxiv, 665 pp. [out of print]

Arkansas Imprints, 1821–1876
New York : R.R. Bowker for the Bibliographical Society of America, 1947. Cloth, xx, 236 pp. [out of print]

Dakota Imprints, 1858–1889
New York : R.R. Bowker for the Bibliographical Society of America, 1947. Cloth, xxi, 221 pp. [out of print]

Incunabula in American Libraries: A Second Census of Fifteenth-Century Books Owned in the United States , Mexico , and Canada
Bibliographical Society of America Monograph Series, 1. New York : Bibliographical Society of America, 1940. Cloth, xlv, 619 pp. [out of print]

International Congresses and Conferences 1840–1937: A Union List of their Publications Available in Libraries of the United States and Canada
New York : H.W. Wilson, 1938. Reprint, New York : Kraus, 1967. Cloth, 229 pp. [out of print]

American Newspapers 1821–1936: A Union List of Files Available in the United States and Canada
New York : H.W. Wilson, 1937. Reprint, New York : Kraus, 1967. Cloth, xvi, 791 pp. [out of print]

An Index to Bibliographical Papers Published by the Bibliographical Society and the Library Association London , 1877–1932
Chicago : University of Chicago Press for the Bibliographical Society of America, 1933. Paper, ix, 262 pp. [out of print]

Bibliotheca Americana : A Dictionary of Books Relating to America , from Its Discovery to the Present Time
29 Vols. New York : Sabin [vols. 1–19], 1868–91; Bibliographical Society of America [vols. 20–29], 1928–36. Paper. Reprint, Amsterdam : N. Israel , 1961. [out of print; available online through subscription to ACLS Humanities E-Book] BSA members eligible for individual subscription.

Census of Fifteenth Century Books Owned in America
New York : Bibliographical Society of America and New York Public Library, 1919. Paper, xxiv, 245 pp. [out of print]