Volume 100
Volume 100:1 March 2006
- The Textual Rendition: Socio-material Criticism Reconsidered By TOM GRIEVE
- Bookcloth in England and America, 1823–50 By ANDREA KRUPP
- The Reputation of the 1932 Odyssey Press Edition of Ulysses By ALISTAIR MCCLEERY
- Conrad Richter and Karl Goedecke in the Archives: The Story of an Author and a Bookseller By MARIANE COTUGNO
Bibliographical Note
The Appendix to Edmond Malone’s 1790 Shakespeare and the New Variorum Poems and Sonnets by ARTHUR SHERBO
Book Reviews
- Altman, Rochelle. Absent Voices: The Story of Writing Systems in the West. (SCOTT GWARA)
- Boss, Thomas G. Bound to be the Best: The Club Bindery. Catalogue of an Exhibition at the Grolier Club, with an Essay by Martin Antonetti. (DEBORAH WHITEMAN)
- Bringhurst, Robert. The Elements of Typographic Style. (JERRY KELLY)
- Coumont, Jean-Pierre. Demonology and Witchcraft: An Annotated Bibliography with Related Works on Magic, Medicine, Superstition, etc. (CARL SPADONI)
- Dickinson, Donald C. John Carter: The Taste and Technique of a Bookman. (RICHARD W. CLEMENT)
- Füssel, Stephan. Gutenberg and the Impact of Printing. (ERIC MARSHALL WHITE)
- Graham, Tim. Penguin in Print: A Bibliography. (GERALD CINAMON)
- Marshall, Alan. Du plomb à la lumière; La Lumitype-Photon et la naissance des industries graphiques moderenes. (JUSTIN HOWES †)
- Ould, Martyn. Stanley Morison and “John Fell”: The Story of the Writing and Printing Stanley Morison’s Book “John Fell, the University Press and the ‘Fell’ Types.” (KAY AMERT)
- Passmann, Dirk F., and Heinz J. Vienken. The Library and Reading of Jonathan Swift: A Bio-Biblioigraphical Handbook. Part 1: Swift’s Library in Four Volumes. (JAMES MCLAVERTY)
- St Clair, William. The Reading Nation in the Romantic Period. (LESLIE HOWSAM)
Volume 100:2 June 2006
- The History of the Grammar Patent from 1620 to 1800 and the Forms of Lily’s Latin Grammar By NANCY A. MACE
- The A and B Texts of Marlow’s Doctor Faustus Revisited By MICHAEL H. KEEFER
- Fabrications from Samuel Richardson’s Press By JOHN A. DUSSINGER
Book Reviews
- Type and Typography: Highlights from “Matrix,” the Review for Printers and Bibliophiles. (IRENE TICHENOR)
- Darton, Lawrence. The Dartons: An Annotated Check-List of Childrens’ Books Issued by Two Publishing Houses, 1787-1876. (LESLIE MCGRATH)
- Earnest, Russell, and Corinne Earnest, with Edward L. Rosenberry. Flying Leaves and On-Sheets: Pennsylvania German Broadsides, Fraktur and Their Printers. (RONALD LIBERMAN)
- Gudrun Zaph von Hesse: Bindings, Handwritten Books, Typefaces, Examples of Lettering, and Drawings. (CAROLINE DUROSELLE-MELISH)
- Weedon, Alexis. Victorian Publishing: The Economics of Book Production for a Mass Market, 1836-1916. (CLAIRE PETTITT)
Publications Received
- Baker, William, and John C. Ross. Harold Pinter: A Bibliographical History. London: The British Library; New Castle, DE: Oak Knoll Press, 2005. xl, 323 pp. Illus. Cloth, £45.00 (ISBN 0-7128-4885-9); $95.00 (ISBN 1-58456-156-4).
- The Book Collector. 54, no. 2, 2005.
- –. 54, no. 3, 2005.
- Boorman, Stanley. Studies in the Printing, Publishing, and Performance of Music in the 16th Century. Aldershot: Ashgate, 2005. xii, 362 pp. Cloth. $109.95 (ISBN 0-86078-970-5).
- Bruccoli, Matthew J. Getting it Wrong: Resetting The Great Gatsby. Columbia, S.C.: 2005. 16 pp. Illus. Paper, No price or ISBN given.
- Cook, Christopher, comp. Supplement to Harman’s Incunabula in the University of Illinois Library at Urbana-Champaign. Urbana, IL: Rare Book and Special Collections Library, Univ. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2005. x, 37 pp. Illus. Paper, Free from Library (ISBN not given).
- Crawford, Ralph J., Jr., and Bruce J. Crawford. The Extraordinary Life of Charles Dickens: An Exhibition at the Grolier Club of New York. Curated by…. New York: The Grolier club, 2006. 110 pp. Illus. Cloth, no price given. (ISBN 0-901672-62-8).
- Dimler, G. Richard, S.J. The Jesuit Emblem: Bibliography of Secondary Literature with Select Commentary and Descriptions. (AMS Studies in the Emblem, 19.) Brooklyn, N.Y.: AMS Press, 2005. xiii, 241 pp. Illus. Cloth, $158.00 (ISBN 0-404-63719-1).
- Dictionnaire encylclopédique du livre, E-M. Sous la direction de Pascal Fouché, Daniel Péchoin, Philippe Schuwer, et le responsabilité de…. [Paris?]: Éditions du Cercle de la Librairie, 2005. xi, 1074 pp. Illus. Cloth, _ 195.00 (ISBN 2-7654-0910-2).
- Enniss, Stephen C., and Karen V. Kukil. “No Other Appetite”: Sylvia Plath, Ted Hughes, and the Blood Jet of Poetry. An Exhibition Held at the Grolier Club from 14 September through 19 November, 2005, Drawn Largely from the Sylvia Plath Collection at Smith College and the Ted Hughes Papers and Library at Emory University. New York: The Grolier Club, 2005. xi, 68 pp. Illus. Cloth, no price given. (ISBN 0-910672-60-1).
- Hinks, John, and Catherine Armstrong, eds. Printing Places: Locations of Book Production and Distribution since 1500. (Print Networks.) New Castle, DE: Oak Knoll Press; London: British Library, 2005. xiii, 208 pp. Illus. Cloth, $45.00 (isbn 1-58456-165-3); £25.00 (ISBN 0-7124-9065).
- Lamonde, Yvan, Patricia Lockhart Fleming, and Fiona Black. History of the Book in Canada. Volume 2: 1840-1918. Toronto: Univ. of Toronto Press, 2005. 670 pp. Illus. Cloth, £ 48.00 or Can. $85.00 (ISBN 0-8020-0801-2x).
- Lynch, Jack, and Anne McDermott, eds. Anniversary Essays on Johnson’s Dictionary. Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Press, 2005. x, 245 pp. Illus. Hardback, $75.00 (ISBN 0-521-84844- x).
- Stam, David H., and Deirdre C. Stam. Books on Ice: British and American Literature of Polar Exploration. Curated by…. New York: The Grolier Club, 2005. xxi, 157 pp. Illus. Paper, no price given. (ISBN 0-910672-63-6).
Volume 100:3 September 2006
- Sophisticated Shakespeare: James Toovey and the Morgan Library’s “Sidney” First Folio By GERMAINE WARKENTIN AND PETER HOARE
- Authorship of The Most Notable Antiquity (1655): Inigo Jones and Early Printed Books By RUMIKO HANDA
Book Reviews
- Harris, Elizabeth M. Personal Impressions: The Small Printing Press in Nineteenth-Century America. (GABRIEL RUMMONDS)
- Janssen, Frans A. Technique and Design in the History of Printing: 26 Essays (MICHAEL RYAN)
- Jones, Howard. Printing the Classical Text. (MARGARET MESERVE)
- Raven, James, ed. The Destruction of Great Book Collections since Antiquity. (MARK PURCELL)
Publications Received
Barbier-Mueller, Jean Paul. Ma Bibliothèque Poétique. Quatrième partie, tome IV: Contemporains et successeurs de Ronsard de Marquets à Pasquier. Genève: Librairie Droz, 2005. 702 pp. Illus. Cloth, CHF 130.00 (ISBN 2-600-00985-x).
Foot, Mirjam M. Bookbinders at Work: Their Roles and Methods. London: The British Library; New Castle, DE: Oak Knoll Press, 2006. viii, 163 pp. Illus. Cloth, £30.00 (ISBN 0-7123-4901-4); $59.95 (ISBN 0-58456-168-8).
Franklin, Colin. Exploring Japanese Books and Scrolls. New Castle, DE: Oak Knoll Press; London: The British Library, 2005. xi, 156 pp. Illus. Cloth, $85.00 (ISBN 1-58456-164-5).
Gilmont, Jean-François and William Kemp, ed. Le livre évang élique en français avant Calvin: études originales, publications d’inédits, catalogues d’éditions anciennes; The French Evangelical Book Before Calvin: Original Analyses, Newly Edited Texts, Bibliographic Catalogues. (Nugæ humanisticæ, IV.) Turnhout, Belgium: Brepols, 2004. 391 pp. Illus. Paper, EURO 40.00 (ISBN 2-503-51705-6).
Havens, Earle. Gloriana: Monuments and Memorials of the reign of Queen Elizabeth I; Books, Manuscripts, and Objects of Art from the Collections of the Elizabethan Club of Yale University. New Haven, Conn.: The Elizabethan Club of Yale University, 2006. 69 pp. Illus. Paper, Price not given; ISBN not given.
LeMire, Eugene. A Bibliography of William Morris. New Castle, DE: Oak Knoll Press; London: British Library, 2006. xlix, 386 pp. Illus. Cloth, $98.00 (ISBN 1-58456-173-4); £98.00 (0-7123-4926–x).
Lessell, Colin B. Bibliotheca Medica de Asia Orientali, 1473-1900. Version 1. : Sapphire Press, 2006; distributed by Forest Books, Overfield, 1 Belvoir Road, Redmile, Notts. NG13 0GL, England. 1 CD-ROM.
Maravelas, Paul. Letterpress Printing: A Manual for Modern Fine Press Printers. New Castle, DE: Oak Knoll Press; London: The British Library, 2005. xii, 205 pp. Illus. Paper, $24.95 (ISBN 1-58456-174-2); £25.00 (ISBN 0-7123-4912-x).
Mellot, Jean-Dominique, ed. With the collaboration de Marie Hélène Tesnière. (Histoire et Civilisation du Livre: Revue internationale, 1.) Genève: Librairie Droz S.A., 2005. 391 pp. Illus. Paper, EURO 60.00 and postage; EURO 40.00 and postage for institutions (ISBN 2-600-01021-1; ISSN 1661-4577).
National Endowment for the Humanities. Fearless and Free: Celebrating the 40th Anniversary of the National Endowment for the Humanities. Ed. by Mary Lou Beatty. Washington, DC, 2006. vii, 121 pp. Illus. Cloth, $45.00 (ISBN 0-16-072556-9).
Reddick, Allen, ed. Samuel Johnson’s Unpublished revisions to the “Dictionary of the English Language”: A Facsimile Edition. With the collaboration of Catherine Dille, and assistance from Regula Bisang and Antoinina Bevan Zlatar. Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Press, 2005. xxix, 425 pp. Illus. Cloth, $180.00 (ISBN 0-521-84470-3).
Resources for American Literary Study. Volume 29. Editors Jackson R. Bryer and Richard Kopley; Associate Editor Ralph Bauer; Book Review Editor Phyllis Cole. New York: AMS Press, 2005. viii, 427 pp. Illus. Cloth, $114.50 (ISBN 0-404-64629-8).
Rossa, Jesse. Ezra Pound and His Time and Beyond: The Influence of Ezra Pound on Twentieth-Century Poetry. A Catalog of an Exhibition, Special Collections Department, Hugh M. Morris Library by…. February 14, 2006 – June 13, 2006. Newark, DE: Univ. of Delaware Library, 2006. xv, 37 pp. Illus. Paper, $12.50 (ISBN 0-9712360-2-x).
Strauss, Jennifer, ed. The Collected Verse of Mary Gilmore. Two volumes. Volume one:1887-1929. (The Academy Editions of Australian Literature.) St. Lucia, Queensland: Univ .of Queensland Press, 2004. lxxviii, 741 pp. Paper, Aus. $80.00 (ISBN 0-722-3486-9).
Thackeray, William Makepeace. “The Snobs of England” and “Punch’s Prize Novelists.” Ed. by Edgar F. Harden. (The Wqorks of William Makepeace Thackeray.) Ann Arbor: The Univ. of Michigan Press, 2005.viii, 172; 83 pp. Illus. Cloth, $??, £43. (ISBN 0-472-11527-8).
Thomas Fisher Rare Book Library. Bibliophilia scholastic floreat: Fifty Years of Rare Books and Special Collections at the University of Toronto: exhibition and catalogue by Richard Landon. Thomas Fisher Rare Book Library, University of Toronto, 26 September to 21 December 2005. Toronto: Univ. of Toronto Library, 2005. 132 pp. Illus. Paper, Can. $30.00 (ISBN 0-7727-6055-1).
Volume 100:4 December 2006
- Books as History: Changing Values in a Digital Age By DAVID PEARSON
- What Price Poetry?: Selling Wordsworth, Tennyson, and Longfellow in Nineteenth- and Early Twentieth-Century Britain By SIMON ELIOT
- The Eighth Edition of Scott’s “Lay of the Last Minstrel” By B. J. MCMULLIN
Bibliographical Note
Further Matters Shavian By ARTHUR SHERBO
Book Reviews
- Cotsen, Margit Sperling. The Beatrix Potter Collection of Lloyd Cotsen. (ROBIN GREER)
- Gold, Charles H. “Hatching Ruin” or Mark Twain’s Road to Bankruptcy. (BRUCE MICHELSON)
- Hünersdorff, Richard von, and Holger G. Hasenkam. Coffee: A Bibliography: A Guide to the Literature on Coffee. (JAMES R. KELLY)
- Pearson, David. English Bookbinding Styles, 1450-1800: A Handbook. (JOHN P. CHALMERS)
- Schwarzfuch, Lyse. Le Livre Hébreu à Paris au xvie Siècle: Inventaire Chronologique. (BELLA HASS WEINBERG)
- Tichenor, Irene. No Art Without Craft: The Life of Theodore Low De Vinne, Printer. (MARTIN W. HUTNER)